Current Issue : April-June Volume : 2018 Issue Number : 2 Articles : 1 Articles
Childbirth is one of the most memorable and rewarding event of the couples life. No matter how often a woman gives birth, each experience is an intimate and unique celebration of life. As we know the unexpected can happen at any time, women may not always be able to control every aspect of labor and delivery. In India the estimated cases of intranatal complication are 45% and there are maternity mortality rate as 441 per 1000,000 live birth. Intranatal period is the very important part of the chid birth, so keeping this as an important part the present study was conducted to assess the knowledge of nurses regarding intranatal care. Tool was developed in the form of questions with three options. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. Descriptive method was used for present study and the setting was Government hospital of Rewa. The technique of sampling was purposive sampling technique. During pilot study 10 nurses were taken as sample at Rewa. Reliability and validity was done with the help of many experts. Maximum 51.66% of staff nurses got average score, (41%-60%) and minimum 1.66% of staff nurses obtained very poor score (up 6%) and 35% of staff nurse have poor knowledge regarding intranatal care (21-40) and mean knowledge score of staff nurses regarding intranatal care was 14 and standard deviation was 3.36....